Monday, March 3, 2008

Up the Coast

When: February 22–25, 2008
Where: Seattle
Just a handful.
The Players

The other weekend, an uncharacteristically tardy Southwest plane carried me to Seattle to see these good people:

avi & jenny


For company, I brought along this guy and a wicked case of hat hair.

from top right: k2, hat hair, mia

Sculpture Park

It was sunny and beautiful all weekend—in Seattle, in February. What? Yes. On Saturday, we went to the Olympic Sculpture Park.

Not sure of this artist's name, but I do love ampersands. They might even become part of a tattoo someday. What? Yes, that much.

Eagle, by Alexander Calder:

There were dozens of matching chairs along the path next to the Calder. They were mostly pointed at the water, not the art. I liked that.

Wake, by Richard Serra:

serra detail

And here's a giant typewriter eraser escaping down a hill. Ours is not to ask why.

This piece reminds me of a small windblown tree made of silver wire that my aunt and uncle gave me for my 13th birthday. It lives on a white shelf in my bathroom.

two and tree

On the way back to the car, I looked down.

Seattle Aquarium

On Monday, we wandered around being tourists. The route from Elliott Bay bookstore to Pike Place Market took us by the little city aquarium, so we stopped to visit the anemones.

i really enjoy saying "anemone"

I don't remember the name of this bird, only that a sign near it read: "These are not puffins." So you can knock that off the list of possibilities.

Billions of frantic, rubbery, very active baby salmon:

In closing: If you were wasted and I were a jellyfish, here's what I'd look like.

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